Our Favorite Charlotte Mason Living Books

Our Favorite Charlotte Mason Living Books

As a homeschool family with a passion for exploration, we cherish the journey of learning together. Just as we love to embark on real-life adventures around the globe, we’ve discovered a way to traverse the vast landscapes of imagination through the enchanting realm of Charlotte Mason living books. In this blog post, we’ll delve into…

Montessori vs Homeschool | Pros and Cons

Montessori vs Homeschool | Pros and Cons

Montessori vs homeschool are two popular alternatives to traditional schooling. Both approaches offer unique benefits to children, but they differ significantly in terms of philosophy, structure, and delivery.  Montessori education emphasizes independence, self-directed learning, and hands-on exploration. Homeschooling allows parents to tailor their children’s education to their individual needs and interests.  Ultimately we chose to…

Transportation Curriculum for Elementary Students

Transportation Curriculum for Elementary Students

Your search is over! Introducing our exciting new transportation curriculum, designed especially for elementary students!  This Transportation Curriculum was born out of me noticing a huge hole in the market.  When I was desperately searching for a Transportation Curriculum or Unit I could use in our homeschool, I came up empty handed.  The only one…